Saturday, 22 February 2014

Practice Photographs

Blog 10
Hello Everyone,
                    Today, I went out with Ellie (my model) and took some practice photos. I knew I wanted to have my artist outside in a natural environment. I went to the quarry and backtrack; there aren't any woods or forests near me so this is the best place. I took some photos just on my normal Nikon Coolpix camera as I didn't have one of the fancy ones from school which I will have when it comes to my actual photo shoot. I really liked how the photographs turned out; it’s given me a good idea of what I want on my cover and double paged spread. I used Adobe Photoshop to touch up the skin and make the images brighter. Especially with the close ups as her skin needed to be flawless, as in official magazines there's no imperfections so I had to show that in my magazine also. 

I also took a couple photos of my friend Beth, these would be used as little photos in the contents page advertising other artists but there wouldn't actually be an article about them. I like these photos as they're more close ups compared to the long and wide shots I took of Ellie. I want a couple of artists on my contents page to attract a wider audience, so I will have a few locations and some in the studio. 

From my practice photos I have decided that I definitely want to take some photos in the woods/forest it gives it a natural almost enchanted feel and that's how I picture indie music - outside in a forest. I am also going to take some studio pictures either for my double page spread or contents page, as they look professional and I can photo shop them easier. Also I want to use a range of skills in my project, therefore I want to be able to use the camera and change the settings for different lighting etc

Friday, 21 February 2014

MOJO Analysis

Blog 9
Hello Everyone,
                   Today I did my final review. I reviewed The Beatles issue of MOJO. On this front cover there is a large picture of The Beatles the picture slightly covers the MOJO title this shows the brand has confidence in itself and knows that readers will still buy it even though you can’t clearly read it. The positioning of the Band members in this image shows who is the main member of the band is as he is in front of the other members; this shows that he is seen as a more popular member. A usual convention of this is the lead singer is more popular so placed in the foreground. 
The conventions from this cover that I would consider using would be the lists of artists in a quick clear list down the side. I like this because it appeals to a wider audience and makes the reader want to know more about what’s happening with other artists. The way I adapt this is I wouldn't have the text as large and only have one list instead of artists. The conventions I wouldn't use would be the banner and small image at the top of the page as I feel it makes the page look too chaotic and messy. 

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Q Analysis

Blog 8
Hello Everyone,
                 Today I reviewed Florence and the machines issue of Q. This cover was different to the other 3 I have reviewed as there's a close up on the cover. Music Magazines don't often place a close up on the front but I think it works on this issue, as she looks seductive and her hair acts as a background to the white text. The use of a close up on the front attracts the reader as it looks bold and eye-catching as her face almost appears to glow. 
The conventions I would use from this cover is using a part of the picture as a background e.g clothes or hair I think its effective and makes the artists face stand out. Also I like the idea of having a bold logo that covers a square on the rule of thirds. It’s eye-catching and recognizable. The conventions I wouldn't use would be to have a close up on the cover, it's not a common convention of a magazine and Q was daring to use it, it would be appropriate if it was a special issue but mine isn't going to be. Also, I don't think I would include any swear words in my magazine as I feel inappropriate. 

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

NME Analysis 3

Blog 7
Hello Everyone,
                     Today I reviewed my final NME this issue has a large picture of Lana Del Rey on it. This issue is slightly different as it has a specific background – an American flag. The others just had plain backgrounds but Lana Del Rey is actually American as this represents her personally. Also the NME logo is white instead of the traditional red. This is effects as it makes the reader question whether this is a special issue making them want to read it. I like the use of large blue font that says her name, as its bold and eye catching, also it sticks to the colour scheme of blue, black and white and with the small blue squares in the bottom banner it seems to pull the page together keeping it consistent and neat.
The conventions I would consider using is having quotes on the front from other articles and artists that will be featured I think it’s a nice idea. Quotes are affective as they make the reader feel more connected to the artist. The thing I would do differently is I wouldn't have the quote as the main title for the artist, yes it includes the name of the artist but I would prefer to have an actual title. The conventions I wouldn't use is the angled text boxes I much prefer it neat and straight, it makes Lana Del Ray seem really far in the background and she is the most important part of the cover. 


Tuesday, 18 February 2014

NME Analysis 2

Blog 6
Hello Everyone,
             Today, I reviewed another NME magazine again this cover has the bold NME title and a large picture of the main artist(s) of the issue. This cover has a lot more text on compared to the last one. However the photo still stands out and their faces look bold against the black of their coats and the red of the text. Both artists are on equal levels to eachother this conveys that they're both as popular as eachother. Since Alex Turner has a constituency from 'Arctic Monkeys' and Miles Kane also has a constituency from his previous band 'The Rascals'. Miles Kane is slightly taller than Alex Turner but this is the situation in real life. 
The conventions I would consider using from this cover would be the idea of putting names of other artists along the side to attract a larger audience. Also I liked the idea of having a short quote from the artist so I may include one of them. The conventions I wouldn't use is the plug that advertises another artists new album on the cover, I would do it in another way for example; the use of a squared advert instead as I don't like circles because it looks messy, I would probably do this on the contents page.  

Monday, 17 February 2014

NME Analysis

Blog 5
Hello Everyone,
                   Over the next 5 days I am going to be analysing some official magazine front covers to get ideas for my own. I will be looking at 3 NME’s, 1 Q and 1 MOJO. I am looking at a range of magazines in the same indie genre to get inspiration for my own.
Today I analysed my first NME which was an Arctic Monkeys edition. This issue included a large NME red title which is bold and recognisable and a large picture of Arctic Monkeys which are a popular band. Alex Turner, the lead singer or Arctic Monkeys, is positioned in front of the other members as he has a larger constituency since he is the lead singer and in 'Last Shadow Puppets' I like this cover because it’s quite sparse there isn't loads of text; the title is only 2 letters but it doesn't need to be anymore than that as The Arctic Monkeys are a famous band and don't need a large introduction. The sparse look makes the photo stand out and everything just looks simpler and I like that. The use of minimalistic text is affective as it makes the band stand out a lot more and all the band members are looking into the camera appearing to be staring at the reader. This is affective as it draws the reader in as they feel like its personal to them.

The conventions I would consider using from this cover would be the idea of a large bold titles with minimal text because I think it looks neater also it’s a lot clearer.
I also like the idea of having the bar code in a convent place not just anywhere, if the bar code was coving anything the page wouldn't look as ordered. The conventions I wouldn't use from this cover would be the use of a plug. The yellow plug in the bottom right stands out, but doesn't fit the house style of the rest of the cover, as it doesn't fit the colour scheme as there is nothing else yellow on the page and everything else is square, I think it looks messy and looks like its been placed there to fill up space.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Initial Ideas Mood Board

Blog 4
Hello Everyone,
               As part of my initial ideas I've created a mood board of what I would like my model to wear on the photo shoot. To fit with the theme of indie and “hipsters” I turned to Tumblr and Pinterest (obviously) for inspiration. I really liked the idea of doing it as full out indie as I can therefore dressing my model up like a hipster.
I found that if you type in “indie fashion Tumblr” in Google you get lots of pictures of people standing in woods in shorts and cardigans. I really liked this, I thought it looked nice and quite “edgy”

I also really liked the idea of flower crowns. They’re pretty and follow my indie style. Artists such as Lana Del Ray wear flower crowns, she is wearing one on her cover of her single “Video Games” This picture could easily be the front cover of a magazine as its bright and eye catching.

Flower crowns come in loads of different styles.
Personally I like the larger ones for a photo shoot, it would emphasise her hair and face. Also it fits the theme of indie.
With my model wearing a flower crown and in a forest I could blur the background and have her face and flower crown in focus. 

Saturday, 15 February 2014

Initial Ideas

Blog 3
Hello Everyone,
            I have been thinking of some initial ideas I could base my magazine on and I’ve came up with a few that I like. I want to create an indie magazine in the style of something like NME or MOJO. I listen to indie artists anyway (since that’s my favourite type of music) artists such as; Jake Bugg, Arctic Monkeys, Noel Gallagher, Ellie Goulding. I’m thinking of taking the idea of a solo indie/Singer-Songwriter and creating “lily Rose” this is just my first idea it may change but hopefully I will go ahead with Lily Rose.

This is my original spider diagram showing all the initial ideas I have before I start my project.
I chose a specific Target Audience of people like myself who enjoy indie music and want to read about upcoming bands, artists or catch up on interviews with their favourite artists.
I already explained what my main story for my front cover is but with my model “Ellie Harkins” I would like to take images in forests/woods for my double page spread then either a close up or a mid-close up.
I wanted to take quite a few photos in different locations, like clubs or near the beach. I think a range of locations will look a lot better than just a load of pictures in a forest. Also I want to take photos of other people not just Ellie to put either on front cover or on contents page, as I don’t just want to same model. I might ask my friend Hilly but I would like a boy create someone like Jake Bugg. Since all the pictures in my School Magazine were girls I think I defiantly need a mix in my music magazine.

Some of these ideas I probably won’t use however thinking about things I could put into my magazine really helped me develop my understanding of the codes and conventions of a music magazine and understand what kind of things are in real magazines like NME. 

Friday, 14 February 2014

Project Explanation

Blog 2
Hello Everyone,

             So as you've probably realized from the title of my blog channel that this is a blog dedicated to my AS level Media Project which is to create a high quality music magazine that fits the codes and conventions of an official music magazine. My task is to create a front cover, a contents page and a double page spread. From my previous blog you will know that I created a school magazine as a sort of preliminary task, I learnt how to use Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. These skills will be incredibly useful when creating my professional magazine. I am really excited to start creating my magazine. I hope you enjoy reading about it just as much as I’m going to enjoy making it and of course blogging daily about it, it’s gonna be great!  

School Magazine

Blog 1
Hello Everyone,
            So last week I created my school magazine as a practice before starting my main music magazine. I had to create a front cover and a contents page following the codes and conventions of a typical school magazine. I took photos of people around school creating the lively vibe of Whitley Bay High School. This preliminary task really helped me get to grips with InDesign and Photoshop and also gave me ideas of how i'm going to style and set out my music magazine.

This is my final front cover design. The only requirement that was set for this task was to place a mid-close up of my main model on the front cover. I chose Becca who is in year 10 to be my model because she is in lower school so is experiencing the “vibe” of Whitley Bay High School.
The typical conventions of a school magazine front cover are:
         ·         Bright Colours
         ·         A medium close up
         ·         Happy Students
I used these conventions in my School Magazine by including a happy smiley girl on the front with a smaller picture of 2 happy sixth former's. This creates an image that the school is a happy and           friendly place, which Whitley Bay High School is.

 Again there were conventions for a contents page:
       ·         Happy Students
       ·         Page Numbers
       ·         Titles
I used 2 lower school girls in my contents page photo, they’re holding files and in their uniform. This shows the school image of happy hard working students in every year. Also I used different coloured titles which would correspond with the pages in my magazine if I had created an entire magazine. Also the use of colours make the titles stand out and look more appealing to teenagers.

The bold “Contents” title is in a school type font really representing the fact it is a school magazine and following the codes and conventions of one.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Introduction To Blog

Hello Everyone, 

               I'm Jess welcome to my daily blog. I am going to be documenting my Media Music Magazine Project, showing the development of my project from beginning to end. Hope you enjoy reading about it :)