Tuesday, 18 February 2014

NME Analysis 2

Blog 6
Hello Everyone,
             Today, I reviewed another NME magazine again this cover has the bold NME title and a large picture of the main artist(s) of the issue. This cover has a lot more text on compared to the last one. However the photo still stands out and their faces look bold against the black of their coats and the red of the text. Both artists are on equal levels to eachother this conveys that they're both as popular as eachother. Since Alex Turner has a constituency from 'Arctic Monkeys' and Miles Kane also has a constituency from his previous band 'The Rascals'. Miles Kane is slightly taller than Alex Turner but this is the situation in real life. 
The conventions I would consider using from this cover would be the idea of putting names of other artists along the side to attract a larger audience. Also I liked the idea of having a short quote from the artist so I may include one of them. The conventions I wouldn't use is the plug that advertises another artists new album on the cover, I would do it in another way for example; the use of a squared advert instead as I don't like circles because it looks messy, I would probably do this on the contents page.  

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