Wednesday, 7 May 2014


Blog 70
Hello Everyone..... Actually its more goodbye everyone L
            Today is my final blog post. #SadTimes
I have finished my project I have achieved so much over the past few months, I can now successfully Photoshop to a high quality and take professional photos.  

Although I am EXTREMELY pleased with how  my magazine turned out, it took a lot to get there so I have put together a short video of the some of my favourite photos and some of the things that didn't go quite to plan. 

Deadline Day

Blog 69
Hello Everyone,

               Today is the final deadline for my media project!  It’s been a stressful but incredibly enjoyable couple of months! I want to thank my friends for being my models throughout my project as you can’t be a photographer without something to take photos of.  Thank you for following my along my journey, hope you’ve have as much fun reading about this project as I’ve had doing it.

Evaluation Video

Blog 68
Hello Everyone,
              Today, I have finally completed my evaluation video it was very stressful as I had lost my memory stick and was panicking that I wasn’t going to meet the deadline time- but don’t worry I did.
Once I’d edited my video I needed to put it on YouTube so that I could put it on my blog for the world to see (hopefully the whole world isn’t watching my babble on for 14 minutes) My evaluation is really fun and I’m really peppy and cheery throughout (maybe a little too much)

So without further or due, this is my AS Media Evaluation Video, hope you enjoy 14 minutes of my face with a couple of special guests!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Evaluation Update

Blog 67
Hello Everyone,
                  Over the weekend I was filming and editing my video, I used windows live movie maker to edit my video as I have used it before and knew exactly how to use it effectively, and used the same canon camera I used to take my images throughout the project. Also I went on “ “ and downloaded some copyright free music to put in the background to make my video more interesting/enjoyable to watch.

Friday, 2 May 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Blog 66
Hello Everyone,
          Today, I answered my final question of my evaluation and am going to start filming my video tomorrow and over the weekend. Question 7 is “Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?” I didn’t realise how much I’d progressed during the project until I looked back at my preliminary task. The 3 main things I’ve learnt to do are;
  •          How to make a page look professional and eye-catching
  •          How to edit photos to a high standard
  •          The importance of text and layout

I have learnt how to make a page look professional and eye-catching. Also I’ve learnt how to make us of white space. I’ve also learnt how to edit photos to a more professional level. I had to Photoshop the skin of my front cover model on my school magazine, and I haven’t done it very well compared to the editing I’ve done on the model I have for my music magazine. Also I learnt how important text is on the page, on my school magazine front cover my main title I have placed white text over the white of the logo on her jumper. Between my school magazine and my final piece I’ve changed my magazine so much it looks like different issues of “Vinyl”

Here is my school magazine front cover and my final front cover, you can clearly see a massive different between the quality of them. My photo-shopping skills have massively improved and I’ve learnt how to fill the space and have minimal white space. I’ve developed a lot between my school magazine and my final cut; my images are a lot more structured and edited correctly. Also the layout has massively improved and the page looks a lot more organised and professional.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Evaluation Question 6

Blog 65
Hello Everyone,
   Today, I answered question 6 of my evaluation “What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?”

In the process of making my music magazine I needed to take high quality professional images. Therefore I had to learn how to use high quality equipment. I used a Canon camera to produce photos of very high quality. I learnt that to get the best photos use the manual settings and manually change the shutter speed, aperture, focus and zoom. This way getting the photo in focus with a lot of light and looking professional. In terms of photography I learnt the importance of creating an image a good picture isn’t taken by chance they’re constructed. The rule of thirds is important as it draws the audience’s attention to certain places.
I also learnt how to use Photoshop which I was never very good at but I’ve learnt to do things like airbrush, clone stamp, use the dodge and burn tools to make my models look the best they can and get rid of any imperfections which is what professional magazines do. Also I used brightness, contrast, and curves to improve the colours in my images.
To make my actual magazine I needed to learn how to use Indesign. I learnt how to place frames to get the layout I wanted and then place images and text into the frames. Indesign was very useful as it helped make the pages look a lot more professional but also it made a lot easier to get things such as images and text where I wanted them.