Friday, 2 May 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Blog 66
Hello Everyone,
          Today, I answered my final question of my evaluation and am going to start filming my video tomorrow and over the weekend. Question 7 is “Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?” I didn’t realise how much I’d progressed during the project until I looked back at my preliminary task. The 3 main things I’ve learnt to do are;
  •          How to make a page look professional and eye-catching
  •          How to edit photos to a high standard
  •          The importance of text and layout

I have learnt how to make a page look professional and eye-catching. Also I’ve learnt how to make us of white space. I’ve also learnt how to edit photos to a more professional level. I had to Photoshop the skin of my front cover model on my school magazine, and I haven’t done it very well compared to the editing I’ve done on the model I have for my music magazine. Also I learnt how important text is on the page, on my school magazine front cover my main title I have placed white text over the white of the logo on her jumper. Between my school magazine and my final piece I’ve changed my magazine so much it looks like different issues of “Vinyl”

Here is my school magazine front cover and my final front cover, you can clearly see a massive different between the quality of them. My photo-shopping skills have massively improved and I’ve learnt how to fill the space and have minimal white space. I’ve developed a lot between my school magazine and my final cut; my images are a lot more structured and edited correctly. Also the layout has massively improved and the page looks a lot more organised and professional.

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