Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Double Page Spread First Draft

Blog 33
Hello Everyone,
               My last 2 posts have been talking about my first drafts and so today I am going to be talking about the final draft of my double page spread. Today is the date of my rough cut where I will be receiving feedback from my target audience and peers.

The layout of my double page spread is 50/50. The left is an A4 image the right side is the article. I chose this style because it makes the image stand out and the colours draw the reader into the article. Also with the article being on a white background it is really easy to read.
The article itself is 3 columns talking about who “Lily Rose” is and how she got into music. I think I’m going to include a Q&A aswell as info about her.
At the bottom right corner of the page I have 3 smaller images of “Lily Rose” in a pink squares with space underneath small quote from her. This makes the page look slightly busier and breaks up the divide between the image and the article. 
I am going to be editing my article as this is just my first draft and taking some new images (as my models currently in a garden and you can see a plant pot in the image)

Hopefully, by the final cut my double page spread will have massively improved. 

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