Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Initial Sketches

Blog 18
Hello Everyone,
          Today I am going to talk about my initial sketches of what my first thoughts of how my magazine is going to eventually look. Just like to point out I'm not an artist I do not draw so don’t judge me. I'm unsure of what colours I want so I just tried a couple.

My front cover is going to be all about my main artist Lily Rose, so there is going to be a large image of her in the centre. I'm not going to make her head cover the title as no Q’s and only one NME (Last Shadow Puppets issue) I've analysed cover the title/logo it doesn't really fit the genre. My title isn't necessarily going to be blue I just wanted to see what it would look like. Also I really like the font its simple but looks quite different and edgy (basically indie music) Also I came up with the name “Vinyl” as it links to hipsters and to music also I think it has a nice ring to it. Sticking to the theme of   my artist next to the title in the top right corner I was going to put a quote from Lily Rose as it fills the page and also in Florence and the Machines issue of Q there’s a nice quote there. Finally along the side I am going to have a column that lets the reader know what other bands will be featured inside this issue. I am missing a barcode from my initial sketch; I will include a barcode in my final piece, maybe in the bottom left. 

For the contents page I didn't want to title it “contents” so I thought about having the title “In this Issue” or “This issue includes” just something different and quirky. The centre section is going to be dedicated to Lily Rose; there will be an image of my model and a quote.  I want a quote from each artist to put on the contents page next to their image. On the left side of the page I was thinking of putting images of artists in what looks like vinyl sleeves, as my magazine is called vinyl and it breaks it away from looking like a copy of NME’s contents page. Then on the right hand side just have boxes with artists in, this keeps it neat but also doesn't over do it on vinyl sleeves. At the bottom of the page I was thinking about having a more “serious” section which includes; a message from the editor thanking the reader for purchasing it. A small review section, of either someone reviewing the magazine or a short list of reviews included in the issue and a “sneak peak” at one. Finally in the bottom right corner I am going to include a small subscription advert informing the reader about how they can subscribe to the magazine.

Finally, for my double page spread I would like a large title in my sketch I chose “Sushi & Cigarettes” I chose this as it’s the name of her new album and is eye-catching, I didn't want to just have her name as the title because there will be an image of her on the left and she’ll be on the front cover so you will know who she is. I really like the font as again its very quirky and just reminds me of Tumblr when I look at it. I wanted to do 3 columns of text in my article but the size of the column getting slightly taller as the article goes on.  I want an indented quote somewhere within my article in my sketch I wrote that I wanted a quote above the first column I wouldn't mind it there but I may move it around and find a better place to put one. I haven’t drawn an image because like I said I can’t draw to save my life, but on the left hand side i would like an image of Lily Rose and it will bleed over the centre line as in Florence’s (previous post) the image of her bleeds over and its eve-catching and draws you to the article.

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