Saturday, 12 April 2014

Photoshop 2

Blog 46
Hello Everyone,
       Today, I was photo shopping images for my front cover image.  First thing I did was I used a curves adjustment layer to change the brightness of the image. This makes the photo stand out more and makes my model look prettier.
The next thing I did was I airbrushed her skin. I did this by using different layers one with a surface blur and another with a high pass filter grouping them together. Then I used an inverted mask and the brush tool to go over the skin editing any imperfections and making her skin look smoother.
The next tool I used was a burn tool to make her eyebrows and eyelashes giving it definition making it stand out. Then I used the dodge tool to lighten specific parts of her eyes and her hair to enhance them.

Photo shopping makes this image look a lot more professional as published magazines photo shop their models. 



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